From our experience in this Industry and building materials industry prior to this, I can tell you that there is no such thing as best modular kitchen. It all boils down to which company gives you best customer service not only at the time of shopping but also at the time of installation and handing over the final product. If you are planning to buy modular kitchen my advise is to get good quality materials for below mentioned four essential components of modular kitchen. You can also visit my company’s website here[1].
We can further get to bottom of this by focusing on four essential components/ items of Modular kitchen. Each these items are manufactured by different companies. I will also list top recommended companies or brands so that you are more aware on best modular kitchen (which is combination of these four components):-
Best Components of Modular Kitchen
Carcass: The back box often called carcass is the back bone of any modular kitchen. We recommend to go for HDHMR Boards by Action Tesa. You can also go for good quality BWR Ply. At Wonder Spaces, we use double side lamination process with edge banding / laser cut machines that help you cover your carcass with 0.8 mm laminate that adds life to your carcass and also gives cleaner look.
Front Finish: The front finish is for the drawers and doors’ front, shutter front finishes that is the exterior part of your modular kitchen. For this you have following choices, every company gives certain amount of warranty for the same. The different finishes are as follows:Laminate - We recommend Merino Laminates and Greenlam LaminatesAcrylic - We recommend Rehau AcrylicPU - Paint FinishMembraneGlass - Lacquered Glass
Hardware: Hardware is important factor for your modular kitchen. If you have a good hardware, your kitchen life is extended automatically. There are three main kitchen hardware companies that are recommended by me. These are: Hettich, Hafele Blum, Ebco and Inox. Reason why I am mentioning Ebco and Inox is because these companies are also giving good warranty on the products and there are very good accessories at reasonable prices in other brands as well e.g Rolling Shutters, Tall Pantry, Bottle Pull Outs etc.
Manufacturing / Installation: You are spending money for a durable long lasting product. If you associate it with a good company that promises on-time delivery, good service during and after sales service, installation etc. then it becomes a best modular kitchen automatically.
If you are looking for Modular Kitchen in Delhi or Gurgaon, let me know here: we deliver on-time and give best service.